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Account Configuration
This article is for Administrators
Administrators now have the ability to change certain eSchedule configuration settings within Account Configuration under the Administration menu. The Account Configuration includes general, schedule, availability, profile, and time clock settings. See below for additional detail:
Member List – toggle on to allow basic users to see the Member List.
Member List – Show Address – toggle on to show members’ address on list for all members.
Message Read Required – toggle on to require all messages to be read to clock in and out.
Message Read Required – Clock Out Disabled – toggle on to require all messages to be read to clock in.
Allow Basic Users to use Membership Mailer – toggle on to add the Membership Mailer to the Schedule menu for all users to use.
Published Through Date – All shifts after this date are not displayed to basic users. Edits to the schedule after this date will not trigger notifications.
Max Hours per Shift – Maximum number of hours a shift can be scheduled.
Min Hours Between Shifts – Maximum shift length including breaks before and after a shift.
Example 8-16-8, max shift length = 16 hours with an 8 hour break before and after the shift.
Verify Rest Period – toggle on to warn administrators / schedulers if the member does not have adequate rest between shifts. Min Hours Between Shifts must also be set for this to work correctly.
Work Week Start Day – Indicates the day on which the work week starts.
Work Week Start Time – Indicates the time of day the work week starts. Use 24-Hour time format with no colon. Example: 0000 = midnight
Enable Shift Notifications – toggle on to Send members notifications (email and texts) when they are signed on or off a shift. Members must also be opted into shift notifications emails/texts in their user profile.
Send Shift sign-on email Days – Indicates how many days in advance an email will be sent out when signing on a shift. For example if a user signs on a shift X number of days before the shift occurs, then an email will be sent out. Set to 0 to turn off email.
Send Shift sign-off email Days – Indicates how many days in advance an email will be sent out when signing off a shift. For example if a user signs off a shift X number of days before the shift occurs, then an email will be sent out. Set to 0 to turn off email.
Weekly Hours Limit – Number of hours a user can schedule per week without Administrator approval. Value should be 1 – 168 or 0 if users can schedule an unlimited amount of hours per week.
Weekly Hours Limit Volunteer – Overrides Weekly Hours Limit for Volunteers. Use 0 for no override.
Weekly Hours Limit Full-time – Overrides Weekly Hours Limit for Full Time Members. Use 0 for no override.
Weekly Hours Limit Part-time – Overrides Weekly Hours Limit for Part Time Members. Use 0 for no override.
Weekly Hours Limit Per-diem – Overrides Weekly Hours Limit for Per Diem Members. Use 0 for no override.
Availability – enable availability submissions.
Enforce Availability – when toggled on, Schedulers can only select members who have submitted availability.
Availability Update Month – Used to calculate the cut-off date for submitting availability. 0 = cut-off date is in the current month, -1 = last month, 1=next month.
Availability Update Date – Used to calculate the cut-off date for submitting availability.
15 means the members can update availability up until 23:59 of the 15th of “the month” . “The Month” is determined by Availability Update Month.
Allow Availability Update for Current Month – toggle on to allow members to submit & update availability for the current month.
Allow Profile Update – toggle on to Basic users can update thier profile.
Profile Picture – Enabled = Anyone can upload & change their profile picture. Admin Upload = Only Administrators can upload & change anyone’s profile picture. Disabled = Profile pictures not used
Time Clock
Hide PTO Balances – toggle on to hide PTO accruals balances on timecards.
Timeclock Signatures – toggle on to allow employees to sign their timecards.
Timeclock Supervisor Signatures – toggle on to allow supervisors to sign employees’ timecards.
Early Clock-in Grace – Number of minutes before an employee can clock-in without triggering an early clock-in exception.
Late Clock-in Grace – Number of minutes after a shift starts that an employee can clock in without triggering a late clock-in exception.
Clock-out Early Grace – Number of minutes before an employee can clock out before a shift ends without triggering an early clock-out exception.
Clock-out Late Grace – Number of minutes after a shift ends an employee can clock out without triggering a late clock-out exception.