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Adding a Shift to the Swap Board
This article applies to all eSchedule users.
About the Swap Board
The Swap Board is a feature that allows a member with an existing scheduled shift the ability to “post” it to the Swap Board. Doing so will automatically send an e-mail to all members who are cleared to work that shift.
For example, if a member is currently scheduled on a shift with the position/clearance of “Firefighter”, and they elect to post their shift to the Swap Board, eSchedule will automatically e-mail all active members who are cleared to work Firefighter shifts. The e-mail will indicate that the member is looking for someone to work either their entire shift, or a portion of it, depending on the entry.
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How to Add a Shift to the Swap Board
- Member locates an existing shift on the schedule, and clicks on it.
- Click “Swap”.
- Choose “Swap Board”.
- Choose “Continue”.
- The member can elect to post the entire shift, or just a portion of the shift, to the Swap Board. Update the dates/times accordingly.
- Choose “Submit”.
At this point, an e-mail will be sent to all members notifying them of the new posting to the Swap Board. The shift date, time, member name and position are added to the dashboard under “Swaps & Covers > Posted by Others”.
Canceling a Swap Board Posting
This is used in the event a member wishes to cancel a previously entered swap board posting.
- Member navigates to “Schedule” > “My Swaps”.
- Next to the shift that is to be canceled, click “Go”.
Bidding on a Swap Board Posting
Once a shift has been added to the Swap Board, any eligible employee can bid on it.
- Navigate to “Schedule” > “My Swaps”.
- Depending on the date of the shift, you may need to alter the date range and click “Refresh”. Note: if another member has submitted a bid for the shift and it was approved by a Scheduler, the shift will no longer appear as “pending”.
- To submit a bid to work the shift, select “Accept” in the “Action” pull-down and then choose “Go”.
- The shift will then go to a Scheduler for approval (“Swap request Pending Administrator Approval”).
- If you’re approved for the shift, you’ll be notified via e-mail and/or text message based on the messaging preferences setup in your member profile.
Approving a Swap Board Bid (for Schedulers/Administrators)
These shifts bids will appear under the standard “Swap Report” (Schedule > My Swaps). You’ll note that the bid will indicate “Cover Shift”.