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Form Designer Basics
This article is for Administrators or other employees who have been given access to Add, Edit or Delete form templates within the Form Designer feature.
Form Designer allows you the ability to create forms (also referred to as “form templates”) which are then made available for your employees to fill out within eSchedule. You are able to add new form templates, copy an existing template, edit existing form templates (including the fields within the template) and delete form templates.
Before You Get Started…Helpful Tips
- Prior to creating a new form, consider having an outline created for the fields that you may wish to have in your form template.
- If pasting anything into Form Designer, ensure it is plain text. This may minimize any formatting issues.
- The left-hand column must have more fields than right-hand column.
- You cannot end a column with a blank row or label.
- By default, all label text is right justified in the left-hand column. All label text within the right-hand column is left-justified.
- Once a 2-column form template has been created, it will remain as 2-column indefinitely, even if you remove all fields from the right-hand column.
- There is a max character limit for TEXT FIELD and TEXT area. If you want a longer description or explanation from the submitter, use multiple text areas. It’s better to have extra space than not enough.
- SAVE OFTEN! Particularly when making multiple changes or creating a field with a lengthy field title, it’s critical that you save often. If the text in the label is too long, the form will not save and will revert back to the last saved version. Again, save your form frequently as you go.
Adding a Form Template
- Navigate to Forms > Form Designer.
- Next to “Form Management”, click the blue “+”.
- Enter a Form Title.
- To save the form template, you need to have at least one field that has the “Display on list” and “Required” fields checked.
- Click “Save”.
Note: As soon as a form template is created, it is immediately available in the eSchedule navigation under “Forms”. By default, forms are listed alphabetically in the navigation. While creating/editing a new form, consider adding a “z” in front of your form name which will make it appear at the bottom of the list in the navigation. For example: “zMy New Form (Draft)”.
You may also wish to add a number in front of your form name to control the order in which they appear in the navigation. For example:
1) Form Name
2) Form Name etc.
Renaming a Form Template
- Navigate to Forms > Form Designer.
- Click the “wrench” icon in the “Edit” column next to the name of the form template you wish to rename.
- At the top of the template, update the name.
- Click “Save.”
Note: If your form is setup to enable e-mail alerts and you rename the form template, the name of the role in the employee profile will not update. To update the name of the role, please contact Support.
Copying a Form Template
You must be an Administrator or have “Create Template” permission level to be able to copy a form template.
- Navigate to Forms > Form Designer.
- Click the “copy” icon in the “Edit” column next to the name of the form template you wish to copy.
- In the pop-up window, enter a name for the new template.
- Click “Submit.”
Note: If a template has a custom lookup (e.g. Check to see if a narcotics label has been submitted on another form), the lookup function will not be copied. You will need to contact Support for us to move that functionality to the new form.
Deleting a Form Template
- Navigate to Forms > Form Designer.
- Above the list of form template, click the link: “Click here to choose a form to delete.”. This will activate “deletion mode”.
- Click the “X” icon in the “Delete” column next to the name of the form template you wish to delete.
- Click “OK”.
Important!! Once you confirm deletion, the form template will be permanently and irrevocably deleted. Prior to deleting a form template, you may consider exporting all prior form submissions to Excel for safekeeping.
Form Template Permission Options
- Navigate to Forms > Form Designer.
- Click the “wrench” icon in the “Edit” column next to the name of the form template you wish to update.
- In the upper-left, next to “Form Designer” click the “shield” icon.
- Select the appropriate permission option.
- Click “Save”.
Enable E-Mail Alerts
You may choose to have an e-mail be automatically sent to various employees for each form template. Once you enable e-mail alerts for a form template, an additional security “role” automatically appears within the employee profile. The name of the role will match the name of the form.
- Navigate to Forms > Form Designer.
- Click the “wrench” icon in the “Edit” column next to the name of the form template you wish to update.
- In the upper-left, next to “Form Designer” click the “mail” icon.
- To turn on/off e-mail alerts, check/uncheck the box.
- Click “Save”.
- To turn on an e-mail alert for a specific employee, navigate to their user profile (Administration > User Management), and check the corresponding box next to the form template you wish to activate an e-mail alert for.