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Working With Events

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This article is for Administrators or those who have the “Event Administrator” role active in their member profile.

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Events Calendar

About the Events Calendar

The Events Calendar is designed for internal events within your organization. For example, training classes or staff meetings. Any scheduled “standby” or “community event” shifts should be placed on the main schedule.

To locate the Events Calendar, navigate to “Schedule > Events Calendar”. Alternatively, you can click the “Upcoming Events” header on the dashboard after logging in.

Creating an Event

  1. On the Events Calendar, use the “forward arrow” or “backward arrow” on the scheduling toolbar to navigate through the calendar as needed.
  2. Click the date for which you wish to create an event. For example, if you want to create an event for April 9, click the “9” at the top of the day.
  3. Enter the event information:
    • Title – required
    • Event Type – required
    • Description – required
    • Start Time & End Time – required
    • Location – optional
    • Private Event – checking this box will prevent non-eSchedule users from signing-up (see below).
    • Allow Sign-Up – checking this box will allow members to sign-up for the event. If you leave the box unchecked, members will be able to see the event, but not sign-up.
    • Event Contact – required
  4. Click “Update” or “Update and Close”.
  5. The screen will refresh and the event has been created.

Viewing / Editing an Event

  1. Locate the event on the Events Calendar.
  2. Click the event title.
  3. Update the event details as needed.
  4. Note: If an event is updated, an automated e-mail is not sent to all registered attendees.
  5. You will see additional fields below the event detail section:
    • Member Attendees – Internal members within your organization that have signed up for the event. If a member signs up, the box next to their name will be checked. However, any Event Administrator can update event attendees.
    • Non-Member Attendees – Non-internal members who have signed up for the event.
    • Add Non Member – You can manually enter an external individual who will be attending the event.
  6. Click “Update” or “Update and Close”.

Transferring an Event to Another Event Contact

  1. Locate the event on the Events Calendar.
  2. Click the event title.
  3. Update the “Event Contact” field.
  4. Click “Update” or “Update and Close”.
  5. Note: If an event contact is updated, an automated e-mail is not sent.

Deleting an Event

  1. Locate the event on the Events Calendar.
  2. Click the event title.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click “Delete”.
  4. Click “Ok”.
  5. Note: If an event is delete, an automated e-mail is not sent to all registered attendees.

Print Roster

eSchedule offers the ability to download/print a roster prior to the start of the event. The roster can be used as a sign-in sheet and documentation of who actually attended the events. The roster document shows the following:

  • Event title
  • Event location
  • Event date & time (start and end)
  • Instructor name
  • List of all enrollees – Name, blank spot for a signature, agency, EMT #, clock in & clock out time

To Download/Print a Roster

  1. Locate the event on the Events Calendar.
  2. Click the event title.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click “Print Roster”.
  4. eSchedule will prompt you to download/save a Word document. Once saved, you can print the roster.

Create Training Records

If your organization has the CME Module activated, you can export class attendees and information directly from the Events Calendar. See this article for more information (coming soon).

Print Certificates

After an event has ended, you can use the “Print Certificates” button to create personalized certificates for each attendee.

  1. Click “Print Certificates”.
  2. Download / save the Word document.
  3. Print the Word document.

Export to Time Clock

After an event is over, you can “export” information from the Events Calendar into the Timekeeping Module (time clock). This is useful in the case where all enrolled members are going to be paid for attending the event. Rather than having each member clock in / out for the event, you can use the “Export to Time Clock” feature to automatically add time to each member’s time card. This saves time and effort on everyone’s part.

Exporting to Time Clock

  1. Locate the event on the Events Calendar.
  2. Click the event title.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click “Export to Time Clock”.
  4. At this point, the event information has been transferred to the “Multi-Punch” screen.
  5. Edit the multi-punch details as necessary and click “Clock In” at the bottom of the screen.


  • All enrolled members for the event will be transferred to the multi-punch screen.
  • Prior to completing the process, verify that all members were actually present for the event and that they should be paid appropriately for the event.

Embedding Events Calendar on Public Website

eSchedule offers the ability for you to embed your events calendar on a public website. This would allow non-members the ability to sign-up for an event. This is useful if you’re hosting a class within your organization and you’d like to allow members from the general public to sign-up.

To setup, navigate to “Administration > Generate Public Calendar Link”. Copy the link provided and paste it into your website’s HTML code. This will make the calendar appear full size in the middle of the current page the link is posted on.