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Messaging for Administrators

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This article is for Administrators or members that have been granted access to use the “Email Membership” screen based on your organization’s settings.

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Messaging for

About Messaging for Administrators

You have the ability to send an unlimited number of messages from eSchedule. Messages include:

  • Email — sends to the e-mail located in the member’s profile
  • Text — sends to the “Text Message Address” located in the member’s profile (see Troubleshooting Messages)
  • Pager — sends to the “Pager Address” located in the member’s profile
  • Message — sends an internal message within eSchedule (on the dashboard)

Messages can be composed and sent any time. The “Message/Text Members” page is to be used for manually composed messages. It does not affect or control any automated e-mails or texts that are sent by eSchedule.

Note: By default, the Text option for messaging is disabled. Sending messages and notifications as text messages requires eSchedule’s premium SMS messaging feature. For more information, please contact eSchedule Support.

Composing a Message

  1. Navigate to “Administration > Message/Text Members” (the location may vary depending on your organization’s settings).
  2. To:
    1. In the “To:” box, you can begin typing the name of members or groups.
    2. Press “Enter” on your keyboard or click on the name of the member or group to confirm. You can send to an unlimited number of members or groups.

      Note: If a member belongs to multiple groups, they will only receive one message.
    3. Or, you can click the “Group & Member Selection” icon to select groups and/or view the members within any given group.

      After clicking the icon, you can click on multiple people to send the message to. Check the “Groups Only” box to filter the list down to only show available groups. To view the members within a group, click the icon next to the group name.

      Once all members/groups have been selected, click “Save Selection”.
    4. Send Using — Select if you want to send an e-mail, text message, pager message or internal message. (Note: You can send an e-mail, text and/or pager message at the same time. However, you can not send an internal message at the same time as any of the other message types).

      When sending an e-mail, you may see an option to “BCC All Members”. Checking this box will send your message to all members, but place their addresses in the “BCC” field (instead of the “To:” field).
    5. Email Subject — Enter the subject line for your e-mail.
    6. Email Message — Enter the content of your e-mail.
    7. Text/Pager Message — If you’re sending a text, enter the content here. Note: A maximum of 160 character is allowed.
    8. Attachments — If you’re sending an e-mail, you may include an attachment(s). To send multiple attachments, you may select multiple.
    9. Message Expires — (only applies to internal messages) — Enter an expiration date for the message.
    10. Click “Preview”.
    11. Click “Send”.

Internal Messages

If you’ve sent an internal message within eSchedule, any Administrator can view the stats for each message.

  1. On the dashboard, click “Show all”.
  2. Next to the message you wish to see stats for, click icon next to the corresponding stats (e.g. 1 of 35). This will display the date and time each member read/acknowledged the message.

Other Notes for Internal Messages:

  • With the eSchedule Mobile app installed and notifications enabled, users will receive internal messages as push notifications on their phones.
  • When members login to eSchedule through a web browser, they will be notified on the screen of any unread internal messages (e.g. “You have 2 unread messages”).
  • You can send a message to the eSchedule inbox and “force” your employees to read/acknowledge the message. If your organization is using the Time Clock, employees would need to read their messages before they’re able to clock out at the end of the shift. If your organization is not using the Time Clock, we offer a feature that requires employees to read their messages at the time of initial login.
  • After sending a message, click “Show all” on the dashboard to view it.
  • You can view only your messages by clicking “Show mine” (after clicking “Show all”).
  • You can delete a sent internal message by clicking the “Delete” icon on the right-hand side of the message. This will delete the message from all members’ inboxes. Depending on the settings within your organization’s account, you may be able to delete a message that was sent by another Administrator.